
20/9/16 The dangers of the “clean eating” fad

A review of the BBC programme “Clean eating dirty secrets”

I really enjoyed watching the BBC programme “ Clean eating dirty secrets.”  See attached link to watch this now on BBC iplayer.

It really does highlight the issue of faddy diets and the latest trendy craze on “clean eating.”  This programme highlights the dangers of following such faddy diets that cut out so many types of foods.  There seems to be an increase in so called “wellness professionals” that say they have the knowledge and answers to all your health problems.   Common trendy diet terms include acid/alkaline diets and “clean eating”.  Clean eating gurus promote eating regimes that are based wholly on plant based foods.  There are many wellness bloggers out there that provide advice that has no scientific basis behind it – this is extremely dangerous and such information should be treated with caution.

The whole healthy eating and diet industry is extremely lucrative with many companies/individuals making vast sums of money promoting products/services that are not backed up with any scientific evidence.

Another worry I have with all these trendy fad diets is the potential harm they can cause in the long term with individuals developing very unbalanced diets and possible eating disorders. In the programme they talk about a condition called “ orthorexia” which is when someone suffers from an obsession with eating foods that one considers healthy.  This “clean eating” trend seems to be leading to an increase in the numbers of people suffering from orthorexia.

On the BBC programme I was glad to hear the views from Registered Dietitians putting the facts straight on such faddy diets.  If you are in any way concerned about your diet and want to ensure that you are consuming a healthy well balanced diet always seek advice from a qualified Registered Dietitian.


6/07/16 Bariatric Diets: What and how to eat

lapbandDiets for Bariatric (Gastric band) Surgery

If you have had bariatric surgery or are considering having surgery it is essential you receive dietary advice from a Registered Dietitian.

The right diet and proper bariatric eating techniques can mean the difference between success and failure. This will ensure that you avoid complications and maximise short and long term weight loss.

It is essential that you do not see gastric band or bypass surgery as a quick fix. There is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to losing weight. The key is to be sensible and follow a healthy well balanced diet under the guidance of a Dietitian. This will ensure that you achieve and sustain weight loss for the long term.

Your journey

I like to think of losing weight as a journey. When you are considering any journey it all starts with the planning. So with bariatric surgery you will want to consider is this the best option for me? What type of operation is suitable for me? Should I have a gastric band or gastric bypass? What changes will I need to make to my diet? There will be many more questions that come to mind.

Pre-operative diet

If you are planning on having a gastric band or gastric bypass you will need to follow a pre-operative diet and this will be required to shrink your liver. Having an enlarged liver will make it difficult for your surgeon to perform the operation. Your pre-operative diet will be low carbohydrate with plenty of fluids, however you will only need to follow this for 1-2 weeks.

Post Surgery

After surgery you will need to ensure that you follow a detailed baratric surgery eating plan for the first few weeks. This will allow your body to heal and also give you time to work up to normalised eating but with much smaller portions. For the first couple of days after surgery you will be advised to have liquids only and you will gradually work up from clear fluids to normal fluids. For the first 4 weeks you will recommended to have pureed/blended foods such as yoghurts, smoothies, soups, pureed meals. Then after 4 weeks the aim is to increase the ‘solidness’ of your foods so that you are eating soft consistency foods such as mashed potato, fishermans pie, shepherds pie. By approximately 6 weeks you should be back up to a normal diet but be eating much smaller portions.

If you have a gastric band you will be looking at having your first gastric band fill at around 6 weeks after surgery which will add restriction. With gastric bands you will have regular band fills until you reach a point at which you are consuming a good range of types of different foods and be losing weight at a steady rate. I often call this the “sweet spot” and it is the optimum zone to be at with your gastric band. It is essential that you are regularly assessed by a Registered Dietitian to ensure that your diet is well balanced and you are consuming a good range of different foods.

Top ten tips for eating well with a gastric band/bypass

1. Eat healthy well balanced meals and ensure that you include all 5 food groups.
2. Eat regular meals breakfast, lunch and dinner which will also help regulate your appetite.belly-2473_1280 (2)
3. Portion sizes – should be around the size of a teaplate.
4. Drink sufficient fluids at the right times, avoid drinking with meals but drink 30 mins before a meal or 60 minutes after.
5. Don’t snack too much between meals.
6. Eat slowly and chew food well.
7. Ensure that you eat the protein part of your meal first, following by vegetables/salad and then carbohydrates.
8. You may also be recommended to take a multivitamin/mineral supplement (this is essential if you have had a gastric bypass to avoid any nutritional deficiencies).
9. Eat the protein part of your meal first, followed by vegetables/salad and then carbohydrates.
10. Try new foods when you are in a comfortable environment, stress will make eating with the band harder

Problem foods

Some people have found that certain foods can cause a blockage to form above the band leading to vomiting, these are listed below and care should be taken with them.
o Asparagus
o Pineapple
o Rhubarb, cut the strands into small pieces
o Oranges and dried fruit
o Coconut
o Chips
o Popcorn
o Nuts, ok if you chew them well into a paste
o Very soft white bread, pasta

If a food feels like it is stuck try a sip a small amount of warm liquid or (although we don’t normally recommend drinking coke) try taking some sips of coke, the fizzy can help dislodge the food.

You can find detailed guidance by reading the Bariatric Surgery Nutritional Guidelines from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS).

Healthy eating for life

In order to change your eating habits and ensure that you losing weight and staying on track it can be helpful to get support. This can be from support groups, friends/family or your Dietitian. Also, you may want to set yourself some goals to achieve to help keep you motivated. Also, it is essential that you reward yourself along the way with non-food treats. You may find it helpful to keep a diary or journal of your weight loss journey to see how you are changing as a person and focus on all the positive changes you are making to your life. If you are struggling with emotional eating you may want to think about what the triggers are and try and avoid these and find some ways of dealing with them. Don’t beat yourself up when you feel that you have had a bad day and not eaten so well. Just put it behind you and move on and start again.

Help and support

Always, reach out for help and support when you need it. Speak to health professionals at your bariatric surgery centre. Ask your Dietitian for ideas on meals to cook to help keep your diet varied and interesting. Join a local support group or set your own up!
And finally, I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey 

If you are based in Exeter or Devon contact Debra at Eat Well Now to book a consultation.


5/07/16 Special Summer promotional offer

5/07/16 Promotional offer until the end of July – 15% off initial consultationsstrawberries-1463806_1280
Debra is back at Eat Well Now after doing a full time professional teaching course and is offering a 15% discount off all initial consultations that are booked before the end of July.   She is available for personal consultations in person/via skype.    As well as doing personal dietary consultations, Debra can also do a full computerised dietary analysis of your current diet which compares your personal intake of nutrients against UK dietary recommendations.  Other services offered include a kitchen cupboard/fridge overhaul to ensure that you are stocked up with a good range of foods to enable you to follow a healthy diet plan, assistance with shopping and supermarket trips to help you understand food labels and make suitable food choices.

If you have any queries please contact Debra via email or by phone 07780998732.


16/3/15 WHO Guidelines – to reduce sugar intake

Geneva – A new WHO guideline recommends adults and children reduce their daily intake of free sugars to less than 10% of their total energy intake. A further reduction to below 5% or roughly 25 grams (6 teaspoons) per day would provide additional health benefits.
Sugar Guideline


4/3/15 Eat Well Now – Successful health and wellbeing workshops

Why Health at Work Matters

The Workplace has a big effect on the health of everyone who works there.  It’s also a fantastic place for promoting health to employees.  If people are happy with their working environment, their physical and mental wellbeing will benefit as a result.  And the healthier they are the more productive they

Facts and figures

Every year in the UK 200 million days are lost through sickness and absence (CBI)
In 2006/7 13 million days were lost to work related stress, depression and anxiety (HSE)

UK employers are bearing a significant proportion of the wider economic costs of ill health, chronic disease and incapacity (Dame Carol Black, 2008)

How we can help your company

At Eat Well Now we devise programmes on health and wellbeing – these can be tailored to your individual companies’ need. We can help with any stage of the programme from design to evaluation.  See below picture of a recent workshop on diet and nutrition.  Please contact us to discuss your requirements in more detail.











23/1/15 Personalised Nutrition – is this the way forward?

Personalised Nutrition – What is the right diet for you?

Health concerns such as obesity, diabetes and alzheimers disease are placing an unsustainable burden on our healthcare systems, systems which are based on treating sick people rather than preventing illness.

Personalised health science nutrition has the opportunity to offer a compelling and cost effective solution to many of today’s chronic and acute medical conditions and diseases.

Nutritional genomics, or nutrigenomics, is the study of how foods affect our genes and how individual genetic differences can affect the way we respond to nutrients (and other naturally occurring compounds) in the foods we eat.

The practical application of nutritional genomics for complex chronic disease is an emerging science and the use of nutrigenetic testing to provide dietary advice is not ready for routine dietetics practice.

However nutrigenomics is a fast and emerging science and one which is growing rapidly.

Check out the Horizon Special TV Programme on BBC Iplayer.

In a ground-breaking national experiment – the first of its kind – Dr Chris Van Tulleken and clinical psychologist Professor Tanya Byron, together with Britain’s foremost nutrition and weight loss scientists from Oxford and Cambridge universities, put the latest theory to the test. They’ve selected 75 overweight volunteers from across the UK who will be put on personalised diets to explore three particular causes of overeating: genes, gut hormones, and emotion-related eating.

Can science succeed, where other diets have failed?

Packed full of science tips and general diet advice, the programme offers credible, useful information for everyone.

Viewers at home can also find out which diet might be right for them by trying the online diet test, available from January 12 at

This unique television experiment is led by a team of world class scientists: from Oxford University, Professor of diet and population Susan Jebb, and Professor of behavioural medicine Paul Aveyard; and from Cambridge University, geneticist Dr Giles Yeo; and gut hormone specialist Professor Fiona Gribble.

BBC Horizon Special



23/12/14 – Special New Year offer!!!

Here at Eat Well Now we are offering all new clients 15% off their initial consultation for a limited period only.  If you are planning on putting health, diet and lifestyle top off your list for 2015 then ensure you get advice and support from a qualified Dietitian.  We have a number of packages here at Eat Well Now to suit all budgets.  If you would prefer a Skype consultation then this is also an option. Avoid all those fad diets out there , they don’t work in the long term and some of them can be potentially dangerous!  So why wait contact Eat Well Now.


3/12/2014 Mediterranean diet keeps people ‘genetically young’


30/10/14 Interventions to reduce diabetes risk should primarily target weight reduction

Weight reduction to reduce the risks of Diabetes

Just wanted to share some interesting research which shows for every 1kg weight loss there was a 16% reduction in risk of diabetes.  Even more evidence to support the need for diet and lifestyle intervention programmes such as the Counterweight programme.

Effect of weight loss with lifestyle intervention on risk of diabetes.
Hamman et al 2006

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) participants randomized to the intensive lifestyle intervention (ILS) had significantly reduced risk of diabetes compared with placebo participants. We explored the contribution of changes in weight, diet, and physical activity on the risk of developing diabetes among ILS participants.

For this study, we analyzed one arm of a randomized trial using Cox proportional hazards regression over 3.2 years of follow-up.

A total of 1,079 participants were aged 25-84 years (mean 50.6 years, BMI 33.9 kg/m(2)). Weight loss was the dominant predictor of reduced diabetes incidence (hazard ratio per 5-kg weight loss 0.42 [95% CI 0.35-0.51]; P < 0.0001). For every kilogram of weight loss, there was a 16% reduction in risk, adjusted for changes in diet and activity. Lower percent of calories from fat and increased physical activity predicted weight loss. Increased physical activity was important to help sustain weight loss. Among 495 participants not meeting the weight loss goal at year 1, those who achieved the physical activity goal had 44% lower diabetes incidence.

Interventions to reduce diabetes risk should primarily target weight reduction.


Eat Well this Autumn to Super Boost your Immunity

Eat Well this Autumn to Super Boost your Immunity


As we move into Autumn the cold and flu season is fast approaching we might be wise in thinking what steps we can take now to protect ourselves.   Debra Williams, Freelance Dietitian offers us some information on how diet has such an important part to play in the immune system.

It is well documented that eating a healthy well balanced diet and exercising regularly can help boost immunity.  Research studies have linked a number of foods and nutrients to the strengthening of the immune system.

Vitamin C – helps increase the number of white cells and antibodies in our bloodstream and can be found in fruits (especially citrus) and vegetables.

Vitamin A – increases the bodys  T cells and can be found in orange and green produce (e.g. carrots, pumpkins, spinach and broccoli)

Vitamin E- helps the body produce antibodies that aid in fighting and attacking foreign substances and can be found in various foods especially nuts, wholegrains and vegetable oils.

Protein rich foods supply the amino acids that your body needs to build up the components of your immune system. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, pulses, nuts, seeds and soya based foods all supply protein.  Three average sized portions a day of any of these should be enough to meet your dietary recommendations.

Zinc is a mineral that is important for the formation of antibodies and zinc can be found in beef, eggs, seafood and wholegrain foods.

Iron is important mineral which plays a part in the immune system.  Deficiencies of iron are more common especially in women.  Iron can be found in red meats, green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals.

Selenium is an antioxidant that protects against disease and can fight viral infections. Most common food sources are chicken, wholegrains, tuna, garlic, egg yolks, brown rice and nuts.

Garlic contains powerful antioxidant properties and also contains an agent known as alliin. Alliin acts as a powerful, natural decongestant and aids in the removal of infected mucus associated with the cold or flu.shutterstock_94790512


Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to our health and there in much scientific evidence documenting the function of omega 3’s in the immune system and prevention of diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease to name but a few.  The main sources of omega 3’s are oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, nuts and flaxseed oil. However these can also be taken as a supplement from your chemist.

Probiotics can also help strengthen the bodys resistance to infection. Probiotics are the “friendly bacteria” provided by yoghurt, other fermented foods and drinks or dietary supplements. However it is essential that the yoghurt contains live and active cultures.


By following a healthy well balanced diet containing sufficient protein, carbohydrates and fruit and vegetables (5 a day) and bearing in mind the food sources of the above nutrients we can be sure that we are well on our way in helping to boost our immune system.   However for those people that may find it hard to follow a well balanced diet for various reasons it might also be prudent to take a general multivitamin/mineral as a precaution.  Obviously in an ideal world it is much better to get as many vitamins and minerals through food rather than supplements because the body absorbs nutrients from food more effectively.

With regards herbal supplements Echinacea and medicinal mushrooms (maitake and Reishi) are also known to have immune enhancing properties.

In addition to eating well there are also other lifestyle changes one can make to protect against colds and flu.  These are good hygiene measures such as catching sneezes in a tissue, throwing the tissue in the bin, washing hands and surfaces on a regular basis.  Getting plenty of sleep, reducing stress, stopping smoking, consuming alcohol in moderation and maintaining a healthy weight.

If you have any specific dietary matters you would like to discuss with Debra or advice on how your diet can be improved she can be contacted via email or mobile 0778099872.  Debra offers advice on a wide range of matters in the form of private consultations within the Exeter area.