
26/06/18 – Are you wilting as summer temperatures soar?

Now the summer is well and truly in full swing and we are spending more time outdoors, being more active and feeling the heat it is important to stay hydrated.

Signs of dehydration include Headaches, lack of concentration, irritability, high pulse rate, and extreme thirst.

So it is important that we drink enough fluids throughout the day to ensure that we are not getting thirsty.  One should never be thirsty or else we are already in a state of dehydration.

Here are my top ten tips to staying hydrated.

1.       Hydrate in advance – start your day with a big glass of water and ensure that you drink water before you go out in the sun or exercise.  Obviously, you need to drink regularly throughout the day but think ahead.

2.       Avoid too much caffeine – drinks containing caffeine act as a diuretic (make you pee more) and therefore cause you to lose more fluids so make sure that you avoid caffeinated drinks.

3.       Avoid too much alcohol as this can also also act as a diuretic and make you dehydrated.  You could try drinking water between alcoholic drinks.

4.       Keep an eye on the colour of your urine – if it is too dark you are dehydrated.

5.       Eat more fruit as this contains water.

6.       Flavour water naturally with fruit if you don’t like plain water.

7.       Milk and sugar free drinks including teas and herbal teas, coffee and fruit juice contribute to your fluid intake too. However, limit yourself to one glass  150mls of unsweetened fruit juice per day,

8.       Keep a refillable water bottle with you at all times.

9.       Have a liquid breakfast such as a smoothie.

10.   The amount of fluid we need depends on many factors including humidity, temperature of the environment and the amount of exercise we do.  The amount we need can vary from person to person.

How much should I be drinking?

As a guide women should be drinking a minimum of 1600mls a day and men at least 2000mls a day.

Please click on the link to find more detailed information on recommended intake for specific groups including the children and pregnant/lactating women –

If you need further advice and help on any nutrition and hydration issues please contact us at